#170: Sarah Hatter


We’re joined today by Sarah Hatter, founder of CoSupport and speaker at Release Notes 2016. Sarah talks to us about her work with CoSupport, the difference between “customer support” and “customer service”, and strategies that indies and small teams can use to provide excellent service efficiently.

Release Notes 2016

If you’re serious about your business, Release Notes 2016 is the one conference you want to go to this year. We’ll be bringing together thought provoking speakers and business owners to discuss all aspects of running a product or consulting business in the iOS and Mac ecosystem. Release Notes 2016 will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana on September 27-29, 2016 and tickets are now available. You can watch videos of last year’s conference at http://releasenotes.tv/videos, or you get more information about Release Notes 2016 and its schedule on our website at http://releasenotes.tv/conference.

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Show Notes and Links


This episode is sponsored by Zendesk. In most of today’s available apps, mobile customer service is just a “contact us” link that launches an email, or even sometimes it’s just a mobile web page. Using the Zendesk Embeddables Mobile SDK, you can bring native, in app support to your app quickly and easily. Learn more at zendesk.com/releasenotes.