Recent Podcast Episodes

#268: Ken Wallace (part 1)


Today we’re talking about masterminds, which are groups of like-minded entrepreneurs that periodically discuss the details of their business. It’s sort of like a business support group. To help us learn more about masterminds, we brought on Ken Wallace of Mastermind Jam, a service that helps people form mastermind groups. We talk to Ken a little about how he got started in business, then we dive into masterminds: what they are, how they are organized, and how they can help. Continue reading

#267: The Magic Spreadsheet


If you’re anywhere near social media you may have recently seen lots of posts along the lines of, “By age 35 you should have X saved for retirement.” Today we take a look at that advice, and discuss what exactly we need to do to plan for retirement. We talk about the importance of saving at least something, the importance of time in the market, the magic of compounding returns, and Charles’ love of spreadsheets. Continue reading